About Us

Welcome to the best & reliable corporate website design & Development service

Brit Software Ltd. is a dynamic software development and consulting firm, made up of talented teams with impressive portfolios of international experiences. 

Who We Are

Birt Software Ltd. is an expert website design and development company. It proactively consult, design, develop & scale robust website & custom software solutions, that fuel innovation & deliver digital success!

Our Mission

 Our’s main goal is to exceed expectations and deliver solutions that will be the best fit for each specific business case and take your company to the next level of efficiency.

What We Do

Our 6-D Process



We will first discover what you really need. Depending on your business type you may need a specific type of solution that will give you the best output.



We will define your website’s main goal and what you want to do with it. After creating the sitemap we will document the full requirements.



After completing the business requirement specifications we will design the UI & UX for your website. After the approval of your design we process next.



When the designing stage is complete we start the development process according to your Business Requirement Specification. Here we will code and test your website.



When the design and development stage is complete we will deploy your web solution into the web. Based on your business goal the website will be hosted in appropriate platform.



After deployment, we will ask for customer feedback on the project. When the customer is satisfied we will deliver the website as per agreement.

Why Choose Us?

When you choose us, you’ll feel the benefit of a really experienced team of Web Developers. We know the digital world and we know that how to handle it. With working knowledge of website design and development including SEO we can provide you the best solution in a budget.

Birt Software Ltd. ensures the best quality designs for your website. With quality design your website traffic will increase significantly.

We will provide you the best solution that maximize your business goal. We will ensure quality website in a budget.

We will calculate the Return on Investment for you. The ROI will help you to decide the budget and requirements of your project.

We have an amazing team of experienced professions on UI&UX design, developer and project manager. We will ensure you a quality service.

Some Numbers

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Satisfied Clients
Projects Completed
Accolades Earned
1 K+
Lines of Code

Would you like to start a project with us?

If you want to build a website for your company or you need any other IT solutions and services please let us know. You will have an amazing experience with us. Most of our clients are repeat customers.